
Saco River Corridor Commission


The Saco River Corridor Commission serves 20 municipalities. Each town is represented by a regular and alternate member on the commission. Commission membership is as diverse as the communities served and represents a cross-section of valley life and values.
Serving without compensation for their time, efforts, or expenses, the commissioners are constant proof that land use controls can be effectively and sensibly administered at a regional level by area residents. Members and alternates are appointed by their respective town officials.

Each member is appointed to serve a three-year term. While in office, regular members have full voting and participatory rights in all proceedings of the full commission at its committees.

Alternate members are allowed to participate in all proceedings of the full commission but may only vote in the absence of the regular member from the municipality they represent. Both regular and alternate members may serve on subcommittees.

Commissioners of the SACO RIVER CORRIDOR COMMISSION - Cornish, ME

Corridor Town Websites

Commissioners Needed

If you’re interested in becoming a commissioner, please contact the office for more information.